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PALESTINE: 65 years: ongoing Nakba, secondary displacement

15 May 2013 by BADIL

Of the 11.4 million Palestinians worldwide, 66% are forcible displaced (refugees and internally displaced people) and over half live in the Shatat (forced exile). Instead of an event relegated to history, the Nakba continues into its 65th year – the central source for the annual increase of these displacement statistics.


(Graphic: Institute for Palestine Studies)

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PALESTINE: Hunger Speech by Samer Issawi


I am Samer Issawi on hunger strike for eight consecutive months, laying in one of your hospitals called Kaplan. On my body is a medical devise connected to a surveillance room operating 24 hours a day. My heartbeats are slow and quiet and may stop at any minute, and everybody, doctors, officials and intelligence officers are waiting for my setback and my loss of life. Read the rest of this entry

PALESTINE: Colonizer as Lender: A Statement on Palestine from Members of Occupy Wall Street and Strike Debt

26 March, 2013  by Jadaliyya Reports

[The following statement was issued by members of the Occupy Wall Street and Strike Debt movements. It was originally published in the fourth issue of Tidal magazine on 22 February 2013.]  Read the rest of this entry

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle and the “signs of the third Intifada”

March 20, 2013       by Ilan S. – AAtW, ainfos. Mazpen

As the third Intifada character is less dramatic than the previous two. At least at the first years, politicians and media commentators hesitating to declare it as such. After more lot of pondering on the subjects in the Israeli media, we heard this evening a new tag: “the signs of Intifada are already here”. The escalation of the suppression of the Israeli state forces in the occupied west bank and their backing of settler colonialist terror activities last months, was not clear if it is only pre election thing or is intended to convert the unarmed third Intifada into an armed one. The unarmed Intifada expand gradually with the solidarity with the hunger striking prisoners at its focus. To the older locations of Beit Ummar, Bil’in, Ma’asarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni’ilin, Qadum, Sheikh Jarah, and South of Hebron Hills, and south-west joined last weeks Jayyus and Jaffa. Read the rest of this entry

PALESTINE: How obsession with “nonviolence” harms the Palestinian cause

10 July 2012

Palestinians do not have to tailor their resistance to the liking of the oppressor class and their supporters.

(Mahfouz Abu Turk / APA images)

In recent years, western discourse surrounding the Palestinian cause has employed a few new — and superficial — adjectives to describe Palestinian resistance: Palestinian “nonviolent” resistance, Palestinian “peaceful” resistance, Palestinian “popular” resistance, Palestinian “unarmed” resistance. And the ever so popular Palestinian “Gandhi-style” resistance. Read the rest of this entry

PALESTINE: Popular Resistance: Beyond Political Doublespeak

‘Popular resistance’ is a progressively unifying force among Palestinian civil society groups, political factions and society at large. While the discussion regarding its political viability is somewhat new, Palestinian history of popular resistance is as old as the British, then Zionist colonial projects in Palestine which started nearly a century ago. It was neither introduced by western pacifists nor imposed by political necessity. Read the rest of this entry

Israeli Anarchism – Being Young, Queer, and Radical in the Promised Land

Old interview from few years ago,

Yossi is a young resident of Jerusalem and a member of the International Solidarity Movement. He is part of many social movements in Israel and Palestine, including Anarchists Against the Wall and Black Laundry, a radical queer group. Yossi is currently working at the Alternative Information Center. Here he speaks about anarchism in Israel, it’s relationship to the Palestinian struggle, and radical anarchist and queer culture. Read the rest of this entry

Freedom, Not Handouts, Will Save Palestine

By:Sam Bahour. Posted on Fri, Nov 30.

Palestine not only has a pie in the sky, it also has one off the coast of Gaza and many more across the land. The pies here are strategic economic assets for a Palestinian economy worthy of a state. But all of them are under total Israeli military control, rendering them paralyzed at best. Read the rest of this entry

Statement by Iraqi, Palestinians and other Arab intellectuals Condemning Iraqi government’s hypocrisy on Palestinian prisoners

November 28, 2012

An invitation from the League of Arab States : We are pleased to invite you to attend “The International Conference of Solidarity with the Palestinian & Arab Prisoners in Israeli Jails”, sponsored by the League of Arab States and hosted by the Republic of Iraq, which will be held on 11 & 12 of December 2012 in Baghdad.
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Dissolve the Palestinian Authority – Manifesto

from: Dissolve the Palestinian Authority
Palestinians join with the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, and Algeria in demanding the ouster of its Western Puppets and Strongmen, the Palestinian Authority. Read the rest of this entry