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FRANCE: Struggle against austerity: A French mobilization infancy

[machine translation from French]  from Alternative Libertaire #223

06 Jan 2013

The European Day of Action on 14 November resulted in France mobilization subdued. We must consider how to build across Europe as a response to austerity. —- On November 14, millions of demonstrators and protesters marched across Europe against austerity, but only one hundred thousand in France. Seek error. The first initiative of the European Day of Action rests with unions in countries most exposed to austerity: Greece, Spain and Italy. The date was picked up by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), central hegemonic orientation clearly reformist. The majority of French unions is affiliated, even if this is not the case of Solidarity. However, the Inter-national has been slow to appeal to this day. Announced at least three weeks before the deadline, it was prepared in a hurry, even sloppy. Read the rest of this entry

TUNISIA: The upcoming general strike in Tunisia: a historical perspective

Mohamed-Salah Omri 12 December 2012
The first general strike in Tunisia since 1978 takes place in a much-changed country and against old friends but for rather similar reasons. Read the rest of this entry

SYRIA: “Under Pressure To Stay Peaceful”

27/11/2012 |
An opposition group that started with civil disobedience says it’s hard to stay non-violent while all are fighting. A representative of the Freedom Days group talks about how their role has changed since the revolution began.

انت موظف؟ خود مني هالكلمتين / إضراب العزّة

(summary in English by Tahrir ICN follows the Arabic original) (more…)

انت موظف؟ خود مني هالكلمتين / إضراب العزّة

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(summary in English by Tahrir ICN follows the Arabic original) (more…)