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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Interview with Lo*, an anarchist from Bosnia

b_140211111*Lo is an anarchist from Sarajevo

– It’s been 2 months since the start of the protest movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, what is happening with this movement now? Do people still organise citizens’ Assemblies [Plenums] and does the government hear your requirements? Read the rest of this entry

ما الذي يحدث في اوكرانيا…لقاء مع أناركي روسي

بقلم ياسر عبد القوي

ميخائيل هو شيوعي-اناركي روسي على إتصال قوي بالحركات الاناركيه والثوريه في اوكرانيا، في هذا الحوار يوضح كثير من النقاط حول الثوره الاوكرانيه والتدخل الروسي ويصحح كثير من المفاهيم المغلوطه الرائجه إعلاميا.

 بداية ما هي حركة (ميدان) وما رأيك فيما يشاع أنها حركة يسيطر عليها اليمن القومي الفاشي كل ما تسعى إليه هو انضمام اوكرانيا للإتحاد الاوروبي؟
– يجب ان نبدأ بأستعراض الخلفيه السياسيه والاقتصاديه للثوره الاوكرانيه، اوكرانيا ككل تعاني من انهيار وانكماش اقتصادي منذ استقلالها عن الاتحاد السوفيتي في 1991، وثورة 2004 البرتقاليه لم تؤدي ﻷي تحسن ملموس لا اقتصاديا ولا سياسيا، أما الرئيس الاوكراني الذي اسقطته الثوره (فيكتور يانوكوفيتش) فقد أوصل الحالة لمستوى جديد من السوء فللرجل تاريخ إجرامي قديم،وقد سجن في عهد الاتحاد السوفيتي مرتين ﻷسباب جنائيه، وهو ينحدر من عائلة متورطة بعمق في الجريمة المنظمه متحالفة مع عائلات اخرى للجريمه المنظمه، الامر يشبه تحالف عائلات المافيا في فيلم (الأب الروحي) هذا التحالف المافيوزي سيطر تماما على اوكرانيا خلال عهد يانوكوفيتش حيث بلغ الفساد مستويات مخيفه، وسيطرت تلك العائلات على كل شىء في البلاد خاصة جهاز الشرطه، حتى رجال الاعمال لم يفلتوا من بطشهم وفسادهم، كان تلفيق القضايا وسجن الناس للأستيلاء على أعمالهم ومشاريعهم سلوكا شبه اعتياديا تحت حكم يانوكوفيتش، إذا هو الفساد السياسي، الانهيار الاقتصادي هو ما دفع الشعب للثورة على يانكوفيتش. Read the rest of this entry

GREECE: Letter from comrade Kostas Sakkas, 17.02.2014


The current state of -permanent- exception, that constitutes an attempt to pave the way to yet another developmental invasion by the capital, unleashes an onslaught against almost all working people, confirming that class war is not only raging but is also becoming more extreme. States have always been instruments of class rule; the state is a system of social organisation that aims to reconcile the historically irreconcilable contradictions between exploiters and the exploited.
The unpopular government policy, perfectly aligned with their bosses’ (EU, IMF) orders, aims at the unconditional surrender of the contemporary working class and its decommissioning of each conquest of the past in order to make it even more exploitable, even more profitable for capital. More than any other period, the political system is acting on behalf of the transnational economic elite serving its interests. It’s acting on behalf of bank colossus, loan-shark states, serving, and facilitating, the economy of the markets and global capital. Read the rest of this entry

FRANCE: Interview with a comrade from CREA, Toulouse

imgresBy Leila Al Shami & Blabiush

CREA is a collective and Autonomous Social Centre based in Toulouse, south of France.  It has been at the forefront of the struggle for housing through the occupation of empty buildings in the city and establishment of collective self-managed spaces, particularly working with immigrants. In November CREA extended an open invitation to ‘NOTHING TO LOSE’ an event organized to share experiences and knowledge around the struggles for affordable and adequate housing and to reclaim the city, which we joined. Comrades attended from all over France as well as from as far a field as Chile. During the days of action more than 200 people marched through Toulouse to say no to evictions and also squatted a  house owned by the City Council to provide a home for evicted families. Workshops were held in their new Social Centre, an occupied building which was the former Moroccan Consulate, on different topics to share information and experience of struggle. What follows is an interview with a comrade from CREA. Read the rest of this entry

Regarding the ongoing events in the Ukraine: Statement by Unity Anarcho-Communist Organization Palestine/Israel


The Ukraine is in the throes of a popular uprising, against its regime, which is becoming ever more repressive. Much of the mainstream media presents the image of a confrontation taking place between the two statist political factions in Ukraine: The governing coalition, led by President Yanukovich, which has recently backed away from a trade agreement with the EU, and is developing a close subservient relationship with Russia; and the smaller nationalist opposition, headed by the parties called the Blow, Homeland and Freedom, opposing this development and seeking to attach Ukraine more strongly to the EU. Read the rest of this entry

POLAND: Interview with comrade from Rozbrat collective, Poznan

logo-rozbratBy Blabiush & Leila Al Shami

Poland has a vibrant squat movement with many squats established throughout the country. The oldest squat is Rozbrat, created in 1994 in Poznan, a city in west-central Poland. The squat was established in an old disused warehouse, in a deserted industrial complex. Since 1997, the Anarchist Federation began their activity at Rozbrat. It is a self-organized space that acts as a centre for independent/alternative culture, spreading independent thought and building social consciousness. Like many squats in Europe it has been organizing around the housing crisis and wide-spread evictions of tenants from their homes by banks and speculators, which often leaves people homeless. This is an interview with a comrade from Rozbrat to find out more about their activities and their struggle. Read the rest of this entry

RUSSIA: “Prison united all of us”

1390521533_606772_99Interview with anarchist prisoners in the so-called “Bolotnaya Case”, former sailor Alexei Polikhovich, 22 (pictured), and historian Stepan Zimin, 21. They are amongst the many people charged with participation in the May 6, 2012 clashes with police during an opposition rally in Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square. Both face a sentence of five-and-a-half year in penal colony, having spent over a year in pre-trial detention. Read the rest of this entry

SLOVENIA: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 / 24-26 May / Ljubljana

The Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 took place in Ljubljana from 24 — 26 May. The event itself was an expression and an example of international solidarity, uniting comrades from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, England, Sweden and Hungary.

This video contains interviews with  comrades from Greece, Bulgaria, England, France Read the rest of this entry

FAQ about the Kurdistan Anarchist Forum

19.12.2013 by anarchistan

What is the Kurdistan Anarchist Forum and who is behind it ?

The Kurdistan Anarchist Forum is an internet forum for discussions, debate and analysis among Libertarians & Anarchists on topical subjects, matters and questions against capitalism. It is a place to consider and criticise past experiences & methods of the Socialist movement that have failed, in an attempt to find alternatives. It is an open door for any libertarian’s voice, it is a voice of those who believe in Freedom, equality and social justice. In short, the Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF) is a “bridge to reach and to get closer to all libertarian individuals and groups”. Read the rest of this entry

PALESTINE: Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating anarchism in a colonized country

By Joshua Stephens

Photo credit: Ahmad Nimer

Photo credit: Ahmad Nimer

“I’m honestly still trying to kick the nationalist habit,” jokes activist Ahmad Nimer, as we talk outside a Ramallah cafe. Our topic of conversation seems an unlikely one: living as an anarchist in Palestine. “In a colonized country, it’s quite difficult to convince people of non-authoritarian, non-state solutions. You encounter, pretty much, a strictly anticolonial – often narrowly nationalist – mentality,” laments Nimer. Indeed, anarchists in Palestine currently have a visibility problem. Despite high-profile international and Israeli anarchist activity, there doesn’t seem to be a matching awareness of anarchism among many Palestinians themselves. Read the rest of this entry