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PALESTINE: Take Action: Free Lina Khattab, imprisoned student and folkloric dancer


[Tahrir-ICN note: Lina’s next court hearing scheduled for 18 January]

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BAHRAIN: Imprisoned Bahraini Human Rights Activist Has Started A Hunger Strike


Flickr: irenakausiute

By Miriam Berger

Bahraini activist Maryam al-Khawaja has launched a hunger strike — two weeks after Bahraini police imprisoned the prominent human rights defender when she landed in the country to try to visit her father, also in jail and on a hunger strike at the time.

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EGYPT: Solidarity with the hunger strikers in Egypt

alaa_hungerstrikeA growing number of political prisoners in Egypt have started hunger strikes in protest at lengthy jail terms, long periods of pre-trial detention, and ill-treatment in prison. Read the rest of this entry

MOROCCO: You can arrest us but you can’t silence us: politically motivated arrests and detention in Morocco

By Leila Al Shami

6 June 2014, Sit in calling for the release of political prisoners in Casablanca. Photo Via: @LeJebly

6 June 2014, Sit in calling for the release of political prisoners in Casablanca. Photo Via: @LeJebly

Morocco’s Arab Spring was short lived. The protest movement that emerged was somewhat pacified by the State with promises of reform and initiatives to tackle corruption and improve human rights. A new constitution was passed. These promises were mainly empty rhetoric and voices of dissent continue, and continue to be suppressed by the authorities. It’s estimated that around 300 are currently in Morocco’s prisons for voicing opposition to the regime.

Over the past three years activists from the 20 February Movement, a youth-led pro-democracy movement which emerged in Morocco as part of the regional uprisings, have been subject to arbitrary arrests, torture and even murdered by the State. But the movement was not silenced. Read the rest of this entry

ITALY: Report of the June 27 Assembly on Prisons, Repressions and Struggles of Prisoners


The meeting started with some considerations of a general nature on the prison as a social relation and the articulation of the area of the  facility, then we have focused in particular on the expiry of 20 days mobilization proposed by the “Coordination of Detainees” for the month of September. The analysis and proposals concern to this specific appointment allowed to touch several of the points proposed in the text of the call of the meeting, relating them with a real opportunity. Read the rest of this entry

SPAIN: Document of Claudio Lavazza on initiatives of resistance in Spanish prisons


Document of an anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza on some initiatives of resistance in Spanish prisons: Read the rest of this entry