Call for a first Mediterranean anarchist meeting by FA, IFA and Le Commun libertaire

Tunisia, March 2015

Today, the Mediterranean region continues to be one of the regions in the world beset by popular uprisings and protests. These range from north to south of the Mediterranean, following the global economic and financial crisis, causing an increase in insecurity and poverty and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

Even if the circumstances differ from one region to another, the population remains at the mercy of the capitalists and their cliques. Following the global crisis, a series of popular uprisings swept the region. They started in Tunisia and we do not know where it will end. These uprisings and these events, facing the Mediterranean region, gave hope in the ability of people to change their lives.

However, despite the popular revolts, the situation in Tunisia and Egypt deteriorated sharply over the past three years. Indeed, the RDC militias of the old regime (Tunisia) and the military junta (Egypt) took advantage of the post-revolutionary floating to consolidate their power through the cooperation and support of former members of these clans. They now have the upper hand in all the key positions of power and wealth, thus condemning people to more instability and misery.
As for the situation in Syria and Libya, Islamist mercenary groups financed by some Arab Emirate and / or Iran, confiscated the people’s struggle against oppression and dictatorship for their own account. The Syrian people, in particular, find themselves in the fight against the barbarism of Bashar al-Assad and against fighters for the Islamic Caliphate.

Although the ruling classes of these countries intimidate and suppress blood demonstrations and uprisings, population, and anarchists, continued to resist and fight for their emancipation, to self-organize and build solidarity and mutual aid.
It is in this spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance that we call all anarchists, anarchist and anti-authoritarian to join us in creating a network for the exchange and sharing of information, projects and solidarity between anarchists of the Mediterranean.

For this, the Tunisian libertarian group “The Libertarian Commons”, the Anarchist Federation and the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA) invite you to the Mediterranean anarchist meetings to be held in Tunisia from 27 to 29 March 2015. This invitation is open to all and all our comrades, including those who do not belong to this region.
The meeting will focus on the situation faced by the peoples of the Mediterranean, during economic crises, and the popular protests that seek to overthrow regimes that exploited and exploiting even people.


Mediterranean libertarian Meeting
Tunisia, March 2015
Organizational Form

I / Topics for discussion and conduct of days :

1- Friday, March 27
Welcome delegations (provide airport trips)

2- Saturday, March 28
The morning will be dedicated to the exchange of experiences on social struggles, proposal to ask one or two organization to talk about his current struggle (eg. The Kurdish / Turkish and Greek).
The afternoon will involve discussion and adoption of the text / charter by the delegations which formally ratify the existence of the Mediterranean network.

3- Sunday, March 29
Morning : Presentation by the Greek delegation of the next A-Med meeting to be held in October 2015 probably in Greece.
Afternoon : Closing of the meeting.
A project of founding text for this network, developed by the co-organizers, will be offered to all the organizations invited well before the end of March meeting so that they can discuss, propose amendments, additions and eventually signed on behalf of the participating organizations.

II / logistics and conditions
The meeting will be held in a place, which will be at the disposions of the participants by the collective Tunisian libertarian “The Common” from Friday 27 to Sunday, March 29, 2015.
Delegations (1-2 persons / organizations) will be hosted, meals will also be provided to the same local.
To do this, a participation of 15 euros per person is requested.

call by:

– Fédération anarchiste (FA) :

– Le Commun libertaire (Tunisie) :

– Internationale des Fédérations anachistes (IFA) :

See also statement by the Committee of relations of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF – IFA) ‘People of all the mediterranean countries unite!’


About tahriricn

bringing together anarchist perspectives from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe

Posted on January 18, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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